List of 1 news stories.

  • finding the right college fit 2022

    Finding the Right College Fit — Class of 2022

    Students are matched with their college counselor at the beginning of freshman year and stay with the same counselor throughout their high school career. Seven seniors share their experience with the program and how it helped them find the right college fit.
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Ensworth uses a developmental approach in the college process, which includes self-assessment and forward planning. We are grounded in the philosophy of the student-centered, student-driven search for “fit.” We work closely with parents as an intrinsic part of the process.
“My college counselor and I are tight. College was one of the biggest stressors in my life, so he saw me in his office a lot and quickly got a sense of my personality. I often asked him if he thought the atmosphere/personality of a college would suit me, and I completely trusted his answers. If he felt like the values of the college clashed with mine, he would be sure to let me know.”

—Jordan Yi, ’20
Ensworth’s College Counseling program helps students take full advantage of the many opportunities offered to them at Ensworth and to successfully navigate the college search process. The College Counseling Team encourages students to give their best efforts in academics and to participate in athletics, community service and extracurricular activities in order to develop their individual talents, discover their passions and prepare for life beyond their years on campus. By participating to the fullest, students will find the college search a natural step in their educational experience.

Before students enter Grade 9, Ensworth assigns each student a college counselor. Serving as an advocate and resource, college counselors advise and counsel students in academic and extra-curricular matters, interweaving counseling toward college. This includes discussing Capstone proposals, NCAA requirements, art school portfolio requirements, summer program opportunities, and the most appropriately challenging course schedule for their goals. Building relationships with students and parents is a hallmark of the program.

Meet the Team

List of 5 members.

  • Photo of Laura Stewart

    Laura Stewart 

    Dean of College Counseling & Academic Affairs-HS
  • Photo of Terry Whitehill

    Terry Whitehill 

    Associate Dean of College Counseling & Academic Advising-HS
  • Photo of Joseph Anthony

    J.J. Anthony 

    Associate Dean of College Counseling & Academic Advising; Director of Academic Affairs-HS
  • Photo of Paul Phillips

    Paul Phillips 

    Associate Dean of College Counseling & Academic Advising; History Teacher; Grade 9 Class Sponsor-HS
  • Photo of Lindsay Parriott

    Lindsay Parriott 

    College Counseling Office Manager/Registrar-HS

Alumni Transcripts

Alumni looking for a copy of your transcript should email Mrs. Parriott at